What I have written today can also be applied to your daughters.
According the Hebrew Bible, the oldest and best source of spiritual education was spelled with one word that has six letters—Parent! Fathers, do not abdicate your role to your wife or to a Sunday School Teacher, youth leader or to teachers at school. Deuteronomy 6 places the emphasis on the father to be the primary educator (mothers also educate), since God has placed you as the leader of your home. Take the lead with informal teaching and formal teaching.
Informal teaching is integrating Biblical Truth and Christ into our daily routines and encounters. Spontaneously pray when an occasion arises, and speak into a situation to give God’s perspective. See yourself as a teacher that is always teaching.
In the formal setting carve out time, show up, be engaged, and take the initiative! Read Bible stories out loud with you kids right before they go to bed or around the kitchen table. Listen to Christian CDs together and discuss the content. Be willing to share your insight. Men, the Holy Spirit has given you unique and keen wisdom.
Never underestimate your wisdom!