Linda and I are leading a group in November on an educational tour of the Lands of the Bible. Josh McDowell will be with us most of the trip. We are joining several other groups and look forward to being in cities where Paul lived and passed through: Ephesus, Corinth, Athens. We will see Mars Hill in Athens where Paul gave his amazing address and the Bema Seat in Corinth where judges would judge the Greece races. The Bema seat of Christ is when Christ will judge us as His followers, not for salvation that we have already received, but for how we run the race He has set before us.
We will see Patmos, the island where the Apostle John was under house arrest and received from God the Revelation of Jesus Christ. If you have a red letter Bible, you will easily see many of Christ’s actual words in the Book of Revelation. These are words He spoke to us AFTER His ascension.